Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I've addressed vagueness, but only once mentioned ambiguity here. Multiple meanings wrapped into one word or phrase provides as much protection from clear understanding as vagueness does. Even the description of my blog under the title is deeply ambiguous. And beautifully so.

One of my many goals is to become an open book. I might impishly delight in obscurity, but some day I want to be like some people I know who are not obscure. This goes part and parcel with my sense of humor, which revels too much in taking people off guard. I want to be good, honest, open, up front. In the end, I want to be guileless. But it will be a real sacrifice (granted of something of no great worth).


trogonpete said...

I am generally not obscure. Nobody likes me, in general. So keep it up I think.

First Word said...

Hmmm. What?? :)